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We would like to warn our students that a toxic event will be broadcast today. It will feature male violence that may upset the fragile emotions of the weak little beta.

Also know that this event is HIGHLY CHAUVINISTIC. When female athletes known as "cheer leaders" are barely paid while the men are give large lucrative careers.

Please consider joining us in boycotting this event in support of Female Supremacy.

Activities you might do are. Watch Lifetime, read a fashion magazine, do yard work, train to our files, take up knitting, take a bath, write sentences, go to bed early.

What will you be doing tonight?




I've got a lot of toxic masculinity to get rid of I hope you guys can get it all!


But I promise I'll follow all orders to help you do that as it's my destiny to be a loser serving females

Jody Prewilson

Maybe some Bata Males like myself don’t watch sports on TV. My Wife said I didn’t have time it was the perfect time to detail Her car.. Then she text me when she wanted a drink..

Nathan david Gurevitch-markwick

This last year has been so so good there is nothing else like seeing the news and all the football stadiums empty just camera folks and wee old boys kicking a pigs bladder about a field no one there to 🤷do what ever they do I’d rather be cleaning, chopping wood f Ingrid , drinking my own piss (gotta be preferable to watching football with 25K men on booze and testosterone) seriously if some of the fellas there would partake it’s one way to reduce testosterone through urine therapy (y own NOT someone else’s) creates feedback loop that tells your body that you have to much testosterone thus less is produced by the testes ,


I have never liked football. I remember family functions in the past; the men/boys stayed home and watched football. The women/girls went clothes shopping at the mall! Oh; I secretly longed to go shopping too!