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You just want to be close to her. To see her smile. To make her happy. But society has taught you that you must be a real man and date her. Have sex with her. Possess her. 

So you muster your courage. What little of it you have. And whine about how she won't date you. In a pathetic passive-aggressive way. You complain about her boyfriends. You complain that she is only using you.

Eventually, she cuts you off completely because you have just become the biggest pain in her ass.

Then you realize, fantasize about her using you. Because now your true feelings are showing. You loved how she treated you. But its to late.


No one taught you how to be a pathetic little beta male. How your little brain craves to be used by the superior gender. Because to be used. Is really just to be useful.

Are you tired of screwing things up with your crushes?

Well FSU is here to help. Watch train and learn. Over and over again.


Lovely Friendzone | Patreon Extended

This video is for Patreons only. https://www.patreon.com/obeywomen



Perfect, this is the way


Wonderful file 🥰. As a beta I has been put in a friendzone several times and I was very painful at the time... But now I understand that it is something perfectly normal for a beta male: I am a friend of all women and therefore I serve them in every way they want (because I love them so much 😍😍😍)