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This file is going to create a sub-psyche persona in your mind that represents your crush. The more you focus on this training. The more powerful and real she will become. We all have different "voices" in our heads that help us make choices. Unfortunately many males today lack that inner Crush Goddess to give you direction. And today we are going to fix this.

This is an important file and should be taken very seriously. In the future, we are going to utilize your internal crush to help mold you into the perfect inferior male. So please use this file often.

I do not have a crush?

Most males have someone in mind when they think about Female Supremacy. This may be a woman who turned you down and friend-zoned you. This may be your wife or girlfriend (if you are lucky). And for some males, this is an actress, public figure, or media character. It is important that you find the perfect fit for you. Just as Native Americans would choose a spirit animal, beta males must choose a crush. Just let your submissive heart guide you.

What is a sleepy time trainer?

These files are great for relaxing or sleeping. You should set the volume to a very comfortable level. Quiet even. And then just drift down. If you fall asleep that is even better as it renders you completely defenseless to our training content.

Please leave feedback.



Jamie R

Just finished an overnight looping of this file. My first time. So wonderful!!! My crush is a beautiful woman at work. We are social and colleagues, but I have been weak in the knees for her for several years. Yet anythg more is out of reach. So strong, capable, above me, and representative of all women. I plan to loop this file at night many times to come! Thank you for this experience and training!!!