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One of our goals is to reprogram males to the truth about male inferiority to the supreme female.

Living in a patriarchy has really damaged many men making them depressed, isolated and confused.

But we can help suppress that false male ego that is destroying your lives.

Comment your understanding about how women are the supreme beings in your life.




I see women being more social, generous, and quick-minded in today's society. When women aren't confused about their role, there is usually bliss wherever it is implemented.


I used to cry whenever my gf s would cheat on me, I would throw fits and now I understand it was because I was acting under my false male ego, I was ashamed of being a beta, now I realize my crush is more than that I can't afford losing her ever, even if she has to find another man to satisfy her needs, I have to give my life to her and never ask back, for she is my master and I am her cute angel :)


aww. yes beta males cry a lot at times. but that is just your false male ego giving up. It is not just that you have bonded with her so she is at the center of your universe. but you love having her as your sun. she just has desires you are not suited to fulfill. But you can make her feel special by serving and sacrificing for her. Even if she expects it, which she should, always do more than your brain tells you.


Yes I have been working hard and asking for chores, she enjoys it alot, I like to wear high heels and mini skirts as I do the chores, I try my best to make her smile, that is payment enough, sometimes I wish I was her, she is really pretty and smart.