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One of the biggest ways women will exploit you is by keeping you backed up with sexual energy. The male mind becomes extremely soft and pliable after it has been jacked up and locked down with a need for release.

And while inside your mind you are frantic and anxious. We are calm, relaxed, and totally in control.

Please stay primed. More training soon.

You will fall for the most selfish, and controlling women you meet. And you will be at an extreme disadvantage.

Desperate for their acceptance and approval.

As nature intended.




My predator is scarey and surrendering to her is an adventure. I feel like a male deer begging to make himself useful to a lioness. Thrilling.


Like John, my current trainer is a predator. I choose to serve her because i knew she naturely enjoyed being dominant. After she made me her dog she said dogs pee outside on fours not in the house. I remember it was a rainy sunday in February and I spent the entire day in a panic. I have a 6 foot fence but the house is higher up than the neighbors so the entire yard is visible from at least one neighbor. At 2 AM i could hold it no more and crawled out to the yard thinking at least it was dark out but in my fear forgot all about the motion detector lights. When i tried to make excuses for not doing that again she said she would lead me around the neighborhood at the end of a leash and after i would kneel with my nose to the front door until it was time to cane the soles of my feet. Punishments, she explained, should be harsh enough that a second, doubly severe punishment, is not necesary. I may have occasionally forgetten a rule but I never bawked or tried to weasel out of doing as told again. Fear is a good motivator and teacher. Predators disrupt our beta worlds. We think we can handle it but our so over our heads. They break us so that we can be more useful.


and i spent the next day walking every inch of the yard until i knew the spots that would be safe from then on.