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While our last training set was for piggy boys who need to oink. And please keep oinking. We are moving on. Our next batch of training content for Patreon will be around your "idiotic crushes". 

You always pick ladies that think you are a spineless little twerp. I loser. Don't you? And you love that they look down on you with contempt. You know they will never see you as something they could be with. Or even a man.

You crush on them. Love them. Diddle to them. Because they have your number. They know who you are.

What you are.

And they let you scamper after them, prancing and scurrying, like lost little boys. 

Because sometimes you are useful.

Tells us about her. And what she has done to you. In the comments. It will help to get your love out there. Even if she secretly dislikes you. You must still love and respect her as your favorite GOD!




There are a few women, my crush is based off of. This lady probably unknowingly made me realize my head is/was up my ass. I had been in the kink scene for awhile and was disappointed at my own failures in finding opportunity to explore submission. Instead of continuing to my attempts in this exploration, I began regurgitating propaganda I heard from the patriarchal side of the scene. I was at a large latex event and was approached by very elegant, very powerful, looking woman. She began to ask about my chain that I guess could be considered a collar. When asked “why I don’t have a dominant”, I replied “female dominants don’t exist”. We continued to talk a little more. After the conversation she reached her hand towards me while giving a look as if she can see right through me. I kissed it, thinking, “no big deal”. It was strange how this simple action sent me into sub space. It was somewhat amusing because I deserved it. Frustrating because apparently I can’t help but to crave being submissive to women.


oink is happy to see the stories of other beta males about their time with Alpha FEMALES. For oink my GOD was JENNA. For 5 years SHE used me for almost everything. The closet oink ever came to sex with HER was when SHE used me as a urinal. Even today oink still has a 16 x 24 inch portrait of HER which i still kneel before and pray too. Every morning oink kneel before HER image. With oinks right had oink reaches up to oinks left nipple, squeezes and says "In the name of the MOTHER" and then oink left hand goes to the right nipple, squeezes and says "the Daughter". Then oink forms its hands in the form of a triangle, outs oinks hand by oinks inferior crotch and says "and the holy vee". JENNA has used oink in many different ways. One day GOD dismissed oink and threw me to the curb. oink still loves, adores and worships HER. oink would say more bit this comment has gotten a bit long.


I feel the same way. Your comment of kissing her hand really resonated with me. After my crush punishes my penis, spanks me, then punishes my penis some more, she rubs lotion only on my bottom. I then turn around, bow, and kiss her hand thanking her for paying attention to me.