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All DRONES may be required to stay in chastity from September 15th to December 24th. We would like to do this to honor the young ladies in universities everywhere fighting for female supremacy.

How do you feel about that?



Paul Thody

Today is September 15th. I was hoping to be told today if this was to be the start of a new chastity period. Or indeed an extension of summertime chastity, as that was extended to take in September as well. I am a beta male and operate better when instructed by my superiors. Please give me guidance.


we do not really give permission to males. well, not ones we do not know in person. we create content that will help educate your mind. More training files will be released soon. In the meantime use what we have uploaded over and over again. That will help clarify things. Beyond that. If we decide to extend summertime chastity we will tell you when the time is right. Right now go by the clock on our website obeywomen.pink.


Do not open til valentines.