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This is just a reminder to all males that they exist to serve all women. Despite race, creed, body type etc... The properly trained male just see a god he must serve.

Serve, adore, obsess and love.

All women.




I'm such a panzy I even let little girls bully me


Thank YOU HIVE. A year ago oink would look at African American and Latino WOMEN with disgust as so many were almost morbidly obese. This has changed as oink is seeing the devine in THEM as well.


yes. that false male ego is so toxic. try this mantra when you are judging women's attractiveness. "all women are better looking than me, i am repulsive to all women, my service is all they find attractive." and donate money to the NAACP womens and latin womens organization.


Beautiful dominant Queens. I wish to serve all Female Empires of the new world.