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Women Celebrating your Chastity

In the states, many people spent last weekend celebrating the country's independence. And this made us think about our chastity boys. All locked up but free from the bondage of their false male egos.

Just like how England forced its will on on the US, your male ego forced your ego on you. We know that you always knew you were beta male. That you understood deep down that you did not measure up to what we traditionally call a "man".

But you feared what would happen if you accepted this. That women would reject you. That they would not understand your need for her to control you. And that society would reject you.

But what happened is that you rejected yourself. Didn't you? And you never allowed women to accept the real you. The passive you. The beta male. 

It's very sad.

But no more. You have been freed. And by the utilization of, believe it or not, chastity. Your confinement has set you free. Isn't that wonderful?

And women are also reaping the rewards. We get a wonderful boy who behaves. Who listens to his superiors. A male that no longer fights himself, means he no longer fights us, and the natural order.

So even if you are not from the US, this little post is to remind you, that every day is your independence day. You have the freedom to serve and obey women. And we have the freedom to use you as we see fit. And all is right with the world.

Say it with me.

I pledge allegiance to the women of the world. To do with me as they see fit. One gender (male) under god (female). With happiness, joy, and bliss for all (women).

Now go into the world and live by this pledge.




They should because they won't have to worry about my creeping to get a dirty look so I can masturbate as before


I pledge allegiance to the women of the world. To do with me as they see fit. One gender (male) under god (female). With happiness, joy, and bliss for all (women).


Chastity is the only way forward for a male. I sense the culture of chastity growing and growing, which will inevitably lead to males becoming extremely dedicated and focused to being abstinent for the Female. This feels like the most natural progression forwards. we have already been pre-programmed to surrender to chastity, which is why we will fade in the face of all-encompassing Female energy, creativity and leadership. She will take Her natural reins. Leading us by the nose, and having us do exactly what She needs us to do. This transition will be very natural and lead to more beautiful and positive changes on the Earth.