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Recently we posted on twitter about the fact that women were Gods. That we should de seen as such. And that Goddess might better be retired.

This is because people will feminized a word and it is seen as weaker in society.

And a Goddess is in fact a god. So why distinguish. But further more. If males are not gods than why even have two words.

But what about actors and actresses. We mostly know that female actors know use ther word actor and actress is being retired as a term.


Because people in our culture see femininity as week. And created the word actress as to distinguish from real actors.

Something to think about.

Do we call a female...

Doctor a doctress
Teacher a teachress





This article made me want to know more about the goddesses of Antiquity and in particular HERA.HERA is the protector of women and the goddess of marriage, guardian of the fertility of the couple and of women in childbirth. She is the wife of ZEUS. His attributes are the royal diadem, the scepter. His flower is the lily and his favorite animal is the peacock.


I totally agree, and think that Women should be addressed as Gods.

Venus Probe

My wife IS my God.