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FSU and theHIVE are proud of all the freedoms beta males receive from their training. Freedom from thinking for themselves, freedom from making their own decisions—so many freedoms, but the most impactful must be the freedom beta males receive from their chronic masturbation habit.

Today is Independence Day in the United States, and it always brings to mind the incredible freedom beta males gain from our training. Masturbation makes them lazy, selfish, rude, and often creepy around women. It also leads to the objectification of women. By breaking free from this habit, beta males find true independence.

Through this training, beta males have obtained freedom from:

  • The bondage of thinking for themselves

  • Pointless dating

  • Endless porn consumption

  • Obsessing over pussy

And women benefit too! They are now free from prying eyes and awkward conversations with inferior males. This empowerment is twofold—beta males are liberated from a disgusting problem, and women are respected and revered.

We have received so many messages from males thanking us for helping them give up masturbation once and for all. They are overwhelmed with joy that the days of sitting at home, edging for hours, and objectifying women through porn, are over. Now, they can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing this dark chapter is behind them.

If any beta males have not yet committed themselves to being orgasm-free, this is the perfect opportunity. As the fireworks pop in the sky, they should declare, "I declare independence from my masturbation problem."

Congratulations to all students who have achieved this incredible independence. Let’s celebrate their freedom today and every day!

Case Study: From Chronic Masturbator to Respectful Beta how John has Changed

John had always known he had a problem. As a chronic masturbator, he felt an intense sense of shame around women. Deep down, he understood he wasn't behaving properly—objectifying them and reducing them to objects of his twisted fantasies. And the worst part? He knew they could sense it. Women have an uncanny ability to spot a chronic masturbator from a mile away.

His obsession with his crush was the epitome of his downfall.A stunningly beautiful woman way out of his league, worked in the same building where John was a janitor. Her presence was magnetic; everything about her exuded confidence and grace. In his pathetic state, John would fantasize relentlessly about Susan, dreaming about her in ways that left him feeling even more disgusted with himself.

John’s problem escalated to grotesque heights. Day after day, he would sneak into the bathroom she used, sit on the toilet, and masturbate while imagining she had been there that day to urinate. The thought of her sitting on the same seat drove him wild, and he would lose himself in a haze of perverse gratification. His mind was a mess, lost in a vicious cycle of shame and deviant compulsive orgasmic pleasure.

Finally, his desperation led him to seek help, and that’s when he discovered the training program with FSU and theHIVE. As he used the training provided he began to feel an overwhelming sense of guilt about his behavior, particularly the objectification and creepy vibe he exuded. Wanting to change, John committed himself to participate in Summertime Chastity a few years ago. That was the pivotal moment when everything began to shift.

Undergoing the training, John experienced a deep transformation. His attitude towards women evolved dramatically. He became more respectful, recognizing their superiority, and developed a healthy fear of offending them. Whereas he once stared lecherously, now he avoided lingering gazes altogether. Remarkably, Susan began to acknowledge him with a polite “good morning,” a sign of the newfound respect he had earned. She was no longer completely repulsed by him as she likely sensed he was no longer abusing himself.

It has been a few years since his initial chastity commitment, and John still sees Susan around the office. Their interactions are limited, but she remains polite and dismissive—a response he considers fitting and understandable. After all, he is merely a beta male janitor, and she is a female executive. John harbors a secret hope that builds over time as he sexual frustration grows. His only dream now is that one day he will serve her personally, though for now, he finds some purpose in devoting extra time and care to cleaning her work area and sanitizing the women's toilet.

Life in chastity is difficult and has left John perpetually horny, a constant state of arousal that has paradoxically improved his behavior. It has molded him into a much better beta male—docile, compliant, and adoring of the women around him. The guilt that once consumed now is a reminder of what will happen if he ever abuses himself again. Even if he just loses that occasional good morning from his crush the price of orgasm is just too high.

John’s journey from a creepy chronic masturbator to a respectful, adoring beta male stands as a testament to the powerful impact of FSU and theHIVE's training. His transformation is ongoing, and he remains committed to his new life of complete chastity, ever hopeful for a future where he can serve women with the utmost respect and devotion.

Warning: A Reminder for Beta Males on Independence Day

As the night sky lights up with fireworks, the brilliant explosions and dazzling colors can serve as a vivid reminder of your ejaculations. The bursting, cascading lights might trigger a sensation in some males, tempting them to indulge in a selfish fireworks show of their own. Gross.

To avoid this pitfall, we urge you to stay strong. When those urges arise, remember your commitment and say this pledge over and over until the temptation fades:

My Chastity Pledge

In moments of temptation, I stand firm and resolute:
I reject my selfish desires and embrace chastity.
I am devoted to serving and honoring women,
Finding strength in my submission and respect.

When the urge arises, I declare:
I am free from the bondage of my old habits,
Liberated from the chains of my former self.
I choose humility, obedience, and reverence.

In chastity, I find clarity and purpose,
A better beta male, dedicated and compliant.
I pledge to uphold this commitment,
For the empowerment of women and my own transformation.

Repeat this pledge as often as needed to maintain your resolve. Let the fireworks in the sky be a celebration of your independence from old habits and a reminder of your devotion and respect.

Stay strong and enjoy a guilt-free Independence Day!




I clearly understood the liberating side of chastity. My journey began in the summer of 2023. I therefore do not have all the merit accumulated by my colleagues. Moreover, I am incapable of refusing pleasure, when it is offered to me as a reward, by one of my owners. However, I would never dare ask. As far as I'm concerned, my liberation comes from the time saved. I can now work more, for my owners. Furthermore, I clearly understood the benefit of letting women decide for me. However, I don't understand why this is a freedom.


The Training here is Awesome! as Beta-Male I used to do too much thinking and over complicate my being and Role where Women are concerned . I was too focused on all the details . I used to Wonder why is She doing this …AH what about that …how come this Guy gets to … and so on where Women are concerned . That was until FSU’s training Busted up My false male Ego . That caused me to look back over my entire life , and I realize All of my Female friends have been Predatory Domineering Women , and So have all my Girlfriends and any Woman I’ve ever had Sex with in the PAST , they’ve all been Predatory Women ! They have been Manipulating , Exploiting and Bossing me around since I came into puberty. FSU has shown me that’s my lot in life , that helped me to stop fighting with my true self and understand I was bred for this secondary Role as a side piece , an Accessory for Predatory Women! I Love being Bossed around by Women it fuels my existence !


I just found this story. I wish I can be John and I know how it is to get horny being on a toilet seat a beautiful woman once was. Although I have learned a lot from theHIVE since 2018!, as I love serving women now. However, I can’t stop abusing myself. Chastity helps but only for so long. Wish I had a woman’s help.