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Idle and walking use of the model has actually completed part of the production in the last year, so it was done quickly. But because the interval before and after too long, I do it myself is quite painful ......

Orca's earliest design is to switch the two sets of clothing to the skin color way, but with the modification of the skill system, may be unified into only one version in the follow-up, is not very sure.

Anyway, the beta version of Orca will only include the full set of wedding skins

Orca is positioned as a forward-row melee character that can also deal corrosive damage in addition to physical damage. Her skillset and core system name and inspiration borrowed from the Guild Wars 2 Necromancer. In short, she has two modes, actions in A mode will recharge B mode, the energy is also B mode HP, you can enter B mode when needed, B mode your skills consume that HP, when attacked will also consume this extra HP. wait until HP exhaustion or active exit, Orca will restore the previously saved A mode HP (because the dark dungeon does not have variable function, so can only do a more vague data storage ).


This is an example of a skill in A mode.

Aurora Spiral Aurora Spiral

Range      Rank     Target     Damage     Accuracy     Crit mod

Melee       ○○●●      ●●●○       +50%      80/85/90/95/100       0/1/2/3/4%


Exists in normal mode: Cooldown 5 turns, gain 11/12/13/14/15% life force. If the target is below 50% life or in stun, immediately completes the skill cooldown and gains an additional 11/12/13/14/15% life force.     End Turn

This is an example of a skill in B-mode.

Life Reap

Range      Rank     Target     Damage     Accuracy     Crit mod

Melee      ○○●●    ●●●○       +10%      85/90/95/100/105      5/6/7/8/9%


Exists in Reaper's Shroud: Deals 12 damage to self, increases Life Reap by 25% damage, 3% Crit for 3 turns. 

 (Unlocked at level 2) Feature - Close to Death: For every 25% reduction in target HP, increase base attack damage by 1 .     End Turn

Target Effect

160/170/180/190/200 chance to deal 3/3/4/4/5 Delights for 3 turns.

*Note that the data in the skill may not be the final result, but only represents the current design ideas


Also, she has a spell system that we'll talk more about next time


Louis Patel

Nice,I think I'm going to like this character very much

Kurt Kobain

I am so happy Orca production is moving so fast now~ ++++!!!!