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The English localisation of Red Lotus is complete and ready to be uploaded to steam.

A version adapted to the original game is also available, as well as an enhanced version applied to certain mod environments (using data from previous tests).

About Orca......

Before September.

Me: It's September! Let's find a way to get a beta out this month!

Him: No problem! I'll draw!


Me: Wow that's tough, I can't believe you drew four of them

The characters from Monster Hunter have added some art material and the team is moving forward with production


A weird cat

As much as Orca has been delayed, the quality is phenomenal. I don't mind waiting a bit longer.




I'll wait then


I checked the number of illustrations with the illustrator and we were five illustrations short of being ready to start working on the beta version. If he works hard, the beta will be ready by the end of this month or early next month

Kurt Kobain

Hi, I just wanted to thank you so much for what you are doing and what you have done. You have helped in making darkest dungeon one of the best gaming experiences for me.

Madre Mia

Orca is gonna be gold