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October 14th

Fixed the issue that releasing skills from enemy position during the battle with Siren will cause the game to crash

Siren's control over her will be forcibly removed when she ascends into the air

The current version number is 1.22


October 6th

Thoroughly checked and fixed the problem of the model disappearing at the end of the battle in the air, and now it should be confirmed correct


October 5th

Fixed an issue where Red Lotus' model would disappear at the end of a battle when she was in the air (This was fixed before, but the wrong version of the file was appropriated, now the correct file has been used instead)

Crimson Roar can now hit critical hits correctly


October 1st

Further tweaking and weakening of character data

Copied English text to other languages to make it display correctly


The English localisation of Red Lotus is complete and ready to be uploaded to steam.

A version adapted to the original game is also available, as well as an enhanced version applied to certain mod environments (using data from previous tests).

Extract the whole folder to \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DarkestDungeon\mods

Go into the game and enable the mod


In no particular order

Main Producer: Deovolente

Programmer, Sound: Kaze*

Art, Copywriter: 猪麻

Animation: Deovolente

Translator: an a the end

Core Mechanic 1 - Additional Attack: An attack that hits and does not kill the target adds a true damage, varying according to skill level

Core Mechanic 2 - Recharge: Some skills have a chance to unlock special skills after being used in battle

Problems that are known but cannot be fixed or are difficult to fix perfectly and do not need to be resubmitted if you encounter these issues:

She will not display her model when she is selected as targets by friendly skills in combat and at the end of combat, there is no technical solution to this

Have fun!


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A weird cat

Oh boy Christmas came early this year :D


*Who Will Know intensifies* God, it looks beautiful! I look forward to the full english release! Until then, I'll use the beta version! Shin Godzilla-chan fits so well into this game's lore setting.

유환 이

during a battle, I dunno what's going on but I really love her skill motion and effect.


She is Thematically Really fun to use, But omg Is she OP AF XD Her free action often 1 shots a 4 stack by itself lol. I'm all for her being stronger the most hero's , But as it stands, The only reason i even bring more then just her is her need to be in position 4. Also, While her leap abilty is Really cool and strong, I never use it as you lose out on like 100 damage from her other skills, The only time ive seen it be useful is when I'm using it to have her avoid attacks, But tbh, her stats are so high and her damage so Extreme that I normally just pair her with A bunch of tanks and healers. For reference of enemy HP: I'm playing on bloodmoon.

Jason Jang

oh, if you play with carnival miniboss roaming around, you want all these OP classes haha

Jason Jang

she is even more fun when I super stack her damage with RAGE from monkey king mod, Guerillas of the Tundra from Patriot mod and any of the OP damage trinkets of the Starry Nights mod hahahahaa SO MUCH FUN one shotting everything. The only thing that comes close to a challenge is the Carnival boss.


she is perfect but some skills have low volume, can you fix it?


The volume level is a pretty annoying thing, and I generally recommend adjusting the game volume yourself. Some people make mods with high volume and some with low volume, which is an aspect that is often overlooked. This mod is basically in a state of completion and no longer updated


ok, no problem thanks for comment.

Felix Hartman

Hi is there going to be a nude version to this one xD


Same as the previous post ...... this class will not have NSFW version because the illustrator does not intend to make NSFW version