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Because of a recent debate, I think he has a point and therefore changed the shambler class to public content. The post's exposed image preview has been removed to comply with patreon requirements.

For details on this argument, please see the screenshot below, which is the full screenshot without any modifications.

Although I mentioned that this module can be shared publicly, I forgot to add that it cannot be released on steam because it is content that violates workshop policy. Please note.


Extract the whole folder to \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DarkestDungeon\mods

Go into the game and enable the mod

Correct file structure↓

Localization is not complete. Made by programmer adkege including icons and sound effects.



Added English localized text done by @Jason Jang



Fixed some issues that may cause the game to crash

Added animations for summoner usage and modified some skill data. Localization work lacks manpower, so this part is still in Chinese for now.



Fixed unexpected game shutdown caused by Disease

Subsequent works, including this class, will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial Use 4.0 International License.

You are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
  • The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

We all have different hobbies. I also expect someone to create better game content, so feel free to modify it, borrow material and release your own version as long as you don't put it into commercial use.

Her spine project file is provided, please do your best not to use this in situations where it should not be used.




Kurt Kobain

I love her thank you for the spine file as well

Kurt Kobain

Also sorry it seems a bit rushed, I hope you can get time to name the skills, Edit the text that appears in blue, get her some trinkets, etc... its impossible to take her into medium to long dungeons without a MASSIVE stress healer in the party, and the name of her affliction is just (.),


I've seen some success without a stress healer, if you use her Skill_C. Hitting 2-3 enemies with it, is a whole party stress lowered by 10-15 when they attack. Which also makes her really fun on long runs. When you level it up, it hits more people, so more stress healing, and healing over all


We will finish the rest of the mod as soon as possible, for now this is just a preview version. And it's fully handed over to others for production (including the text part), mostly I'm just responsible for giving feedback to the programmers on players' comments and suggestions.


The tooltips for the different skills are a bit confusing at least to me, I kinda had to use trial-and-error to see what different skills do. A more streamlined description of each skill would work wonders. I love her overall design though, this character has a lot of potential!


Such a respectable mod. I'm trying out this mod . Then I noticed that I never saw Shamble getting heroic. So I gave her a stress intentionally for few times and still not appeared. Is she suppose to be on low chance or am i just unlucky? But, it's clearly awsome and giving game more tence. Thank you for hard works.

Kurt Kobain

Second Report - Something in her kit causes CTD (crash to desktop) while in the Cove and i have also experienced this in the Ruins, she was paired with some Modded characters at the time, The Fool, The Offering, Vestal. I had the Shambler shuffling front line with The Offering and that's where the ctd would occur bouncing between her Blight Skill and her Bleed Skill, Its also happened with other characters not sure what can cause this but it's something to look into. Thanks again for the mod and best wishes for the finished product.


Hello god. I'm Japanese. I translate your Lilith and this Shambler to japanese privately and enjoy this thx. So...but i cant translate this Shambler. Generally we open xml, translate txets, use localization.exe, bump loc file. Until now it was successful.However loc file i made throw an error(game clash). This is so sad story... I wait ur work completely. Ah,This is not a reminder. I don't have the skill or time to draw such a cute picture, and above all, I think your mod is wonderful. So I'm waiting patiently because I can get the benefit of your work for just a few money. I'm rooting for you. Good luck!


Okay, received. I will look at the cause of the problem and try to fix


I saw the localization mod in the workshop, thank you for your contribution to the community. The xml compilation error sounds a bit unbelievable. Maybe you should look for mod authors and translators in the same language to get more precise help. This mod is currently incomplete, and the problem may also come from the mod itself.

Kurt Kobain

Looking good :) +++++!


Cant seem to find the mod anywhere in the load order; despite installling and reinstalling it several times. I was wondering if anyone else had this issue or has a solution for it.

Jason Jang

AMAZING! Where can we get details about this class please? The crit effect, the special mechanics etc?

Jason Jang

Took me over 10 runs with this character to understand how she works!! She uses a complex mix of summoning and disease mechanism that is not found in other class mods!! Good work keeping the concept of the Shambler summoning tentacles!! Great concept and great reiteration of the Shambler horror into female form but preserving all the main elements! She is indeed the MOST OP support class in the group once you understand how to use her and how to set her up! I got her to 93 HP at just level 2! LOL!

Jason Jang

I cannot make sense of her camping skills... cost too much time for very bad effects and lasting only 2 battles for the good effects... is there any hidden benefits?


Localization didn't work? "Skill_A 1" "[]" and others. What can i do?


I went into the game and checked it. If you are using an English environment, it should be correct. Although there are still some blue fields here, this part will be fixed later


So uh when will the remaining blue fields be fixed?


I can't give a specific time because the person in charge of English localization is a student whose studies are the main focus. Recently we are looking for someone new who can do the translation work.