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"I'm glad the professor is seeing things my way now, and now look at all the free time I have. *yawn* although I'm pretty tired. I better get back to my room. I'm sure Marianne would love to start my afternoon pampering."

Hilda said out loud to herself as she continued to stroll down the hall back to her room. Not at all knowing that she was bringing another tiny guest back to her bedroom. Lysithea moaned and whimpered as the sweat in between Hilda's toes had glued her to Hilda's giant foot. as she was forced to endure being smothered by Hilda's big sweaty foot.

"I wonder what that pipsqueak Lysithea has been up to... she mentioned she was working on a new spell recently *yawn* but I couldn't be bothered with that boring stuff. Just sounds like more work."



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