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"See Professor? I always tell you that it's not a good idea to make do work. Look at how sweaty my feet are just from walking around the monastery today... just imagine how sweaty and smelly they'd get if I had to do al the work you assign me."

Hilda said as she sat down on her bed stretching her legs out and raising her right foot up, to see a tiny Byleth shrunken down and completely glued to her sole from the sweat of her foot and the heat after being trapped in her boot. The tiny professor tried her best to lift herself from the giant student's sweaty foot but couldn't get a good enough grip to do so.

"Well anyway, I'm gonna rest for a little bit. I think you should pry yourself off my foot soon and then I take you back to Edelgard. If you don't then you'll be coming with me on a trip into town for the rest of the evening."



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