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"Sorry little dude but crime is still crime no matter what size you are, I don't really have any pockets or anything so I'll have to take you to the police station in my shoes... Maybe if you rub my foot enough I might just put in a good word for you. It's pretty smelly in there bbuuuutt not like you have any other option sssssoooo in you go!"

Watched the new Spiderverse movie again recently so here's some more Gwen Stacy! ^_^ Sorry for the slow down with renders IRL been kicking my ass hard recently but we're bouncing back and hopefully things will start slowing down in my life soon, I have been working on a lot of comms and other stuff behind the scenes. Hope your all looking forward to it!




Its never enough of gwen stacy renders 😍😍 Nice work keep them coming😍😍