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Lumine thought she felt something in her boot while she was traveling. The sensation of something squirming in between her toes. She knew she had to wait until she could reach an Inn to see what it was, plus the odd sensation in her boot felt somewhat nice... Once she was able to find some privacy she removed her shoes and what came tumbling out was not at all what she expected to find.

A small man came falling out of the opening of her boot. He was naked and completely covered in sweat, most likely from her feet. Who was the guy? How long had he been in there? He must have been shrunken down accidently and somehow fallen into her boot. But what happened next shocked her even more... the man who was soaked in her foot sweat started to crawl to her feet. When he reached her foot she instinctively lifted her left foot up trying to move it she it was out of his way. But he just crawled over to her heel and started kissing her foot. Lumine recognized this feeling as what she felt on her foot when he was in her boot. Had he been kissing her foot the whole time he was in there?

She stood there in shock, with no idea how to handle this or what to even make of this situation. She needed to find out where this man came from and why he was behaving this way. although perhaps she would give it some time for a small part of her rather liked the way this felt.



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