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"If you must know, Jean and I have simply come to a new... understanding about who here should running things. I mean at her current size it's not like she can do much else.."

Eula chuckled to herself as she slowly rubbed her massive toes over Jean's tiny body. Much to Amber's shock when she turned over to look at Jean her expression was one of discomfort.. however without being told anything with Eula even looking at her, Jean started to lick the giant sweaty toes that were smothering her. Amber didn't have much more time to confront what was happening before another pair of Eula's toes started to descend on her.

"And know that you know where she disappeared to, the question is what to do... with you?"

Eula said as her toes loomed over Amber's minuscule form. Idly wiggling almost like a predator waiting to pounce on it's prey. The smell of Eula's sweat mixed with a strong leathery and vinegary stench filled Amber's nose as she looked up in shock. Was this the end for her. She didn't know what was worse, being outright crushed under Eula's big sweaty foot like a simple bug or ending up like Jean who seemed to have avoided being crushed under Eula... but seemingly doomed t oa fate maybe even worse than death.



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