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Alright so I'd like to take this post to take care of some housekeeping...

So for starters, as you my notice this render was suppose to be part of the "Friends Like These" Render set that I was going to do before my hard drive which had all four renders finished/edited and saved... died on me. As a result I lost all of my work not just the render's that I had already finished but all the models/assets etc. that I use to make my renders. So saying this last two weeks has been stressful as hell is an understatement.

But I've managed to replace the hard drive and even found one render that was pretty much all done that I thought was lost with the rest of them (the image above) however I'll post this here for you all because I feel bad leaving you guys dry on content recently but I do plan on completely redoing this set of renders. It'll be 5 in total and I even managed to get a hold of a new asset that should make the new versions feel even better. I won't be posting this one publicly so you guys can have this as a reminder of what could been I guess... idk

The new set will still feature Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie and a unlucky Cloud completely at their mercy so look forward to that ^_^ I'll even be posting another render that is sort of a little teaser of what I'm cooking. The other thing is I do still plan on making the Ann render for the February poll that ended right before this whole hard drive nonsense happened. And I'll be posting one for March soon to so feel free to leave a comment below with any characters you'd like to see in this month\s poll. However I'm still gonna need a bit of time to download and get acquire most of my library of models and stuff so I just need a bit more of your guys patience! I'll try my very best to get it all done before the end of the month.

Thank you all so much for your continued support while I try to get back on track with things!



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