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Alright, so you've all met Juno Moore, now let's talk about how you'll be influencing her changes! This post will be lengthy and a bit complex, but it'll hopefully make sense :) Please ask questions in the comments if something is unclear!

!! I will be asking you for suggestions so read carefully !!

Every month, Juno will go through several upgrades/changes + a chance for a Wildcard Change (I will explain later)

I have locked down two main groups of changes. The first category is called the 'Blossom Upgrades', including:

  • Hips size
  • Ass size
  • Body hair growth
  • Lips size
  • Hair length
  • IQ lowered
  • Libido increased
  • Boobs size
  • Muscle gain
  • Weight gain
  • Sweat increased
  • Nipples size
  • Musk increased

(Think there's something missing on this list? Let me know in the comments!)

Most of these should be straightforward if you are familiar with how I have corrupted my characters in the past. Its this category that you will be voting on.

The second category is called the 'Style Upgrades':

  • Piercings
  • Makeup
  • Jewelry
  • Tattoo
  • Nails
  • Hairstyle
  • Tan

(Got ideas for more style categories? Let me know in the comments!)

This category is tied to a random dice roll (explained in a bit), and currently you cannot influence this one through a vote. That may change in the future, but for now I 'choose' what we get (again, explained in a bit)

Finally, we've also got Wildcard Changes, and these are the really crazy ones. Every month there will be a chance to hit one of these. Here are some examples:

  • Dick & Balls
  • Increase strength on voted upgrades x 3
  • Pregnant Belly
  • Bubble Butt
  • Ethnicity Change
  • etc...

Wildcard Changes can also have an effect on the Blossom Upgrades pool (think of cock/ball size) or new Wildcard possibilities.

Only 10$+ patrons are able to suggest Wildcard ideas (see the extra post in a bit), and the pool will change monthly.

So how does it work?

5$ Patrons will vote for a Blossom Upgrade. This is a small upgrade to Juno that is slightly noticeable (think going up one cup-size).

10$+ Patrons will vote for a Blossom Upgrade. This is a bigger upgrade for Juno with more noticeable effect. (think x2 effectiveness).

A Random dice roll will add a Style Upgrade and a Blossom Upgrade. Why add a random dice roll? To make sure it stays fresh and interesting for everyone :)

and finally, there is a chance for a Wildcard Change to be added.

In total, each month Juno will get 4 (or 5 if we hit the Wildcard) upgrades:

  • 2 x small Blossom Upgrade (5$ Patrons + Random)
  • 1 x big Blossom Upgrade (10$+ Patrons)
  • 1 x Style Upgrade (Random)
  • (Chance for Wildcard Upgrade)

I have thought long and hard about the format and how it will be presented. I want to try to make sure this moves along at a nice pace but doesn't get out of hand too quickly. I will more than likely be changing up the format if things don't go the way I want them to (for example, I'd love for Juno to grow a dick, but it should come as a sort of surprise, and it shouldn't happen the first month.) Or if the workload turns out to be overwhelming.

Hopefully this will give you an idea of how it will work out! I know it all seems complex but at the end of the day you will just be voting and then enjoying the goodies coming out of that vote! Once we get into the groove of it I'm sure it will make sense :)

The goal is to start up the Corruption Chamber voting process sometime next month!

Again, post your questions, thoughts, feedback and ideas below and I will answer them!

Thank you for the support,




Youngster Kenji

This is exciting. I'm glad to see you making a very interactive thing.

Jason Trent

Looking forward to it!