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Slowly but surely we are getting there! We've cracked a lot of nuts on this one, even though the end result doesn't really reflect it. This build is focused on functionality, not content. The main things implemented are:

- Buying and owning items
- Creating Outfits
- Reworked UI
- Saving/loading progress

>> DOWNLOAD [Dress-Up Preview 2] <<

A more in depth change-log:

- Redesigned Graphics and Icons
- Redesigned how the coloring tab integrates into the UI
- Added MINI-POP with basic functionality
- Added map with basic functionality
- Added the ability to buy and own items
- Added Wardrobe, which contains your owned items
- Added Outfits, where you can save, edit and delete outfits
- Added Store for clothing and vanity and Clinic for body features
- Added Face Shape to the Clinic
- Added Features to the Clinic
- Added Saving functionality to save progress

If you have any issues or thoughts, comment here or in the #bubblegum-sunday channel in Discord!




We are looking for any and all feedback on the currently implemented systems!


Seems great, the only inital problem i've encountered is being stuck on the skin colour menu, and some of the colour options not consistently working


Works great!


Can you elaborate a little more? How were you getting stuck on the skintone menu? And how did you find the coloring options to not be consistent? Thanks for testing! ❤️


This is exciting! I can’t wait to see what you put out next! I’m really hoping for some more body customization stuff, but I figure that’ll also just come with time, lol


Hi I tried it out everything looks great ❤️ the only problem I had was that I couldn’t change any of the colors I was able to select them but the avatar didn’t change I was on my laptop sorry if that’s not of any help 😓


You can only pick skin colours from the bottom and top line, though occasionally the second to bottom works. I couldn't change the colours for nails or jewelry either. In regards to getting stuck, the x button on the skin menu just didn't work so I couldn't get off if. Could still change locations though.


Thank you


You select a color but you also need to apply it to the color receiver to the right of the items!


What resolution is your monitor? I've not had anyone mention these issues so I'd like to learn more. Did you drag the game window to a different monitor or anything like that?


It might be because I was playing it in a Microsoft surface Pro 3 which has a slightly off resolution of 2160 x 1440. Im on holiday ATM but I'll try it on my home PC later. It's an old tablet so it wouldn't surprise me if it's my end.


Sorry for my quest ...but this work where? On pc?