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Sorry for the slow updates! I've been working on a lot of Bubblegum Sunday again and there's never a lot to show for since it's all so scattered.

I'll just show some images of what I've been up to to give you some idea:

This first is the UI for the wardrobe. Mostly been busy figuring out placement as well as the icons I drew.

Been really busy with the map and trying to finalize the art for that somewhat. Each location will get a little graphic. Been playing around with that.

Next up I'm updating the anatomy of my base model. The torso/hips being so anatomically vague was really hurting my clothing designs, so I went back and cleaned it up.

More icons, this time for the phone.

I also went back and cleaned up the dialogue UI. It's more in line with the other graphics now.

I know it's very much "all over the place" but that's what it's been for me lately lol. Hope you still like the progress!



Nice work Alba ! <3


Some important bits done there, looking forward to future updates.


Progress is still progress. It doesn't matter the amount. And often, when it's behind the scenes work, it's hard to display it. We love seeing what you are working on. Thank you for sharing. Keep up your awesomeness. We'll always be here for you.