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Hey everyone!

Lately I’ve been toying with an idea for the Hotline and starting next month, I would like to put this into practice. The pool of ideas for the monthly drawing (Hotline) is generally always quite small. This is only natural, since the size of 10€+ patrons is smaller than the 5€+ tier. On the other hand, once we get to voting on the actual content, 10€+ patrons see their vote swallowed up in the bigger pool, making it less impactful overall. I think with a single change I can improve on both of these issues.

Starting next month all patrons will have the opportunity to suggest me ideas in the Hotline post. This should provide me with many more ideas to choose from. The actual Hotline poll will then be exclusive to 10€+ patrons. This way these patrons will feel like they drive the content more.

I am open to feedback of course, and will be monitoring going forward how this change affects the Hotline and the community in general!

Thanks so much for the support, even through these hard times. It is incredibly appreciated and I will keep working as hard as I can to bring you the best content I can deliver <3




Sounds like a plan


I like it!!