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Swapped out a faulty drive and went through reinstalling windows (and basically setting up my whole pc again). Took a whole day but I'm ready for action tomorrow!



Macruim Reflect is your friend. Use it to automatically make images of your main drive to another drive if your choosing. Or choose folders to backup daily. All my art assets back up daily to an hdd. Macrium will let you do "additive" backups so it's only backing up what's new and not clogging your drive up with big backup files daily.


I do have all my files backed up, but my windows install got corrupted somehow. Would that software help against that?


Yeah totally. Macruim can take a whole image of your main hdd weekly. Ideally, your C drive is small and fast and only used for installations. I even remap MyDocuments destination to a folder on my storage drive instead, so C stays small. Windows can image C too, but Macrium has better options.