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It's time to get messy! We worked really hard on this so I hope you enjoy!

As always, use #MakeMeYours to show off your designs on Twitter~

Download: HERE

I will be looking into itchio keys soon, so please be patient with that!

Changed for Version  1.3


  • Added Messy Content
  • NEW-Indicator for newly added items
  • Added Masks (duh!)


  • Added Mask category


  • Changed SaveData location (future proof saving across different game versions)
  • Changed Screenshot location (shared folder across different game versions)
  • Noses now work better with glasses
  • Added Loading screen

Bug fixes

  • Splash screen now displays correctly on start up




Awesome, as usual. Would you consider adding ahegao eyes they would go well with this update! Thank you for the hard work. <3


Absolutely incredible. I finally managed to test this wonderful character creator today on itch.io, and it fantastic. Being on Mac and android, i have been trying to wrap my head around finding a way to use the program on mac, as i have had success through "Wine" for Mac with similar programs from other creators. With having no success, i hope in the future you will be able to grace us with access to this amazing creation. Please keep up your splendid work Alba.

Dat Boy

Yeah, I’d love to see a IOS friendly version, unfortunately it’s been hands off because of this