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So far I've gone through 3 revisions.


How it was before anyhing was changed


Feedback mostly revolved around the character appearing a bit too tall. This came from two things. Firstly, I shortened her legs to give her proportions a better balance.

Wider Ankles

Secondly, she appears very thing around the ankle area. I realized this was happening because I drew the lineart without any shading, which makes the art appear wider. With the slightly wider ankles, it should feel more balanced.

105% Scaled

Since our character became smaller (I cut a bit off her legs, after all) I figured I could get away with a small upscaling, so the character takes up more space on screen. This requires the body art to be redrawn, but that was in the books no matter what.

Let me know what you think!



Kenny Sisroc

Looking better TBH, she seemed kind of stretched at first, now she looks more realistic. i like it

James Murphy

All looks good to me, so I'd say let the artist decide what's best

Rob the Hungry

legs look to long to me but that might just be me


In the 105% scaled version still? Remember she is on heels so she will appear tall


I like the adjustable idea will there be sliders for legs and hips as well leg length?


I think it turned out well aside from what you showed did you have an alternative adjustment to further compare. Also keep it up Alba 👍

Ross Kirkland

this is a great improvement!


No, since all art has to be drawn by hand, this would add far too many assets to be drawn. Having 3 hips and 5 breast sizes already makes it plenty complicated!


Fantastic Alba <3 <3


whats the most recent full release of the game