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Here it is! As I said in the post yesterday, this is a very very early test build to lay the groundwork for everything else. This is not really 'playable' yet like the GameMaker build was. I am mostly looking for feedback on how it feels to use the camera controller (zooming, panning) and whatever else comes to mind.

Enjoy this early version!






✨Fresh start! 💫


Camera controls feel a little less "personal" than the previous character art. With the old version, you almost got the idea that you were on a video call with your girl and she was holding her phone at a natural angle. Maybe instead of a free floating camera, you give camera "angles" or zoom levels that you can select, with a free cam option for those that want it.


Well had a look, and I like the ability to pan around and having full size characters, I prefer the old style interface at the moment; I'm sure this interface will improve. Overall great work Alba, looking forward to more as it develops


Yeah, the interface is 100% placeholder. All old features will come back, of course.


So the control for the cam is good on keyboard, problem is i have to put my keyboard in QZERTY instead of AZERTY. Using the mouse for the cam is a bit weird. Left click instead of right click but idk maybe that's just me, using the mouse wheel make the camera not smooth at all. Finally the Character seems to be very tall, too tall for some bacground, for exemple the Bedroom. And that's all, overall the cam seems to be ok


Will we get in the future one option for rotate the character?

Kanye Mighema

I think that this new system is great. I like the new full model character rig. I've also switched from doing this on my phone to doing this on PC. One thing I will say is that in all the character locations, the character looks proportionate to the respective background. Except for in the "Home" location. She seems like a giantess. If it was intentional then I have no problem. if not, that is my only issue. Keep up the great work can't wait for the next update.


Edit: Sorry about the readme not being accessible, the sharing settings were wrong.


This will not be possible, it will already be enough work for all the art of her front!


Ty! Interesting about the keyboard stuff. I will look into that. All BG's are placeholders and don't match up. I agree she appears too tall right now.


Backgrounds are just placeholders, once she is in a correctly drawn background it will make more sense!


The option with poses seems like a great idea, in this case you can show the character from different sides with the right accents, and I think you need to be able to look at the face closer. I think later it will be possible to increase the ass of the heroine and consider it in a different position, for example, sideways or back to us. I think 3-4 poses will be enough, I would like to say with a separate wish that it would be great if these very poses differed depending on corruption of the mind

tron carter

Not having the camera default between scenes isnt ideal..


On mobile the moving the camera around feels a bit off to me. I think it would be better to have three or more shots to move through or something, for example top body like before, waist down, and then full body. Or otherwise maybe a zoom function on full body. I saw someone comment earlier about a back view and that would be good, although I get it would mean a lot more artwork so maybe its just something to put a pin in for a later update. All in all I like where this is going and more customization which you've already talked about would be great to see.

Kenny Sisroc

A crazy idea and maybe too out of the box could be having both perspectives but center the game in one, for example; Main gameplay is frontal but you can change to tilted while only naked (to avoid drawing the same clothes/accessories/shoes... frontal and tilted) but still being able to see the lips, eyelashes and other details in the other view or vice-versa main is tilted, and when naked you can change to either.

Ross Kirkland

the camara movment on windows is good.


Do you mean you'd prefer to keep the camera where it is when you switch scenes? In the full game, there will be screens inbetween, so resetting on your char will be the better approach I think


Thanks for all the feedback everyone!


One thing I'd like to see is a musk feature that works in a similar manner to the body hair mechanic in the old game.


when will the full version come out for 001


Works fine on my computer, but on my Android phone, I keep getting,( Can't open file) after following the &lt; Readme &gt; instructions 😭