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Trapdoor Update! All trapdoors have been updated, doors have also been updated a bit.
So excited to work on some new stuff soon, foliage, ender chest, fun stuff coming up!

Check out the Minecraft Server to see all the cool builds :)

Address : stylized.apexmc.co

Thank you so much for supporting my work! <3 <3 <3 <3

HOW TO DOWNLOAD THE PACK:  1. Sign up for the Steel Tier (Or higher if you want to support my work and get more benefits)

2. Receive your Discord Role through the link below

3. Go to the #downloads channel in Discord

4. Follow my guide for BSL & SEUS Renewed below https://www.stylizedresourcepack.com/guide

Here is a link for how to receive your Discord role and access the Downloads https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role#:~:text=Step%201%3A%20Log%20in%20to,role%20tied%20to%20your%20Tier!




Lmao that one missing block is triggering my OCD 😂


How do I download the latest version? The #download section of the Discord is no longer there.


Not currently. I'm just not seeing where to find the download in discord. Patreon still says I'm subscribed to you, so I'm not sure.


Working now! For anyone else reading this, make sure to go to Profile &gt;Apps in Patreon and Disconnect/Connect back to discord through there