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Hurray for exposition dumps and callbacks to shit that happened several hundred strips ago! And I think this may be the first time I've drawn Xor as he was before he became a demon-thingie. Anywho, I hope y'all enjoy! Next update will be early next week (probably not Monday since I have to pay my mother a visit over the weekend). Hope you all have a great weekend! Love y'all!




Gosh the expressions in this one are so nice. Also nice piece of worldbuilding too!


Well, to be fair to Xor there Blackstone, his general emotional stability was probably very compromised by thinking that you were dead? Not only that, these crystals don't really seem like they are able to indicate if those inside them are actually alive or not at a glance, thus requiring someone to open them up to verify that detail fully; which would probably only happen in those situations where a family member of the person placed inside of them had a really good reason to assume they weren't actually dead. It is really neat to see just what Xor'd looked like when he was in his younger human form though (along with several of his loyal followers), since we'd only really seen his super old man form, back when Michelle and Laura had defeated him that first time! And seems like Blackstone's pretty amused by just how badly Xor's plans to wipe out those he had considered as 'mere savages' worked out for him, with her acting as a very smug sister, who's mocking her brother for a situation where they'd goofed up... Certainly shows that they may still consider each other family, to a certain degree? Now, we just have to learn how Blackstone was freed from her prison and we might be able to start working on a way to rescue Laura. Of course, we'll still need to work out how Blackstone and Xor can actually be taken down, but it might take every one of our heroes and their potential allies working together in order to achieve this goal! Hope that will you have a great weekend there Fiona and we'll all see you next time...