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Forgive me for what's about to be a rambling pseudo-coherent post. I've been up all night unable to sleep. Our AC is out (since Thursday) right in the middle of unseasonably warm weather so neither I nor my partner are getting much rest. Even with the windows open, it's a sweat factory in here and this ain't the best of neighborhoods so we're both doing guard duty lol. But now to the point.

I'm hearing a lot of rumours about Patreon terminating NSFW content creators and well, I'm worried sick. I don't know what exactly the criteria is for getting terminated, but I do know if it happens, I'll be in a world of shit financially since I survive month-to-month off my income here and am barely getting by as it is. So I'm tired and scared and having an anxiety spiral.

From what I'm reading if they decided to take issue with my posts here, they would either ask me to remove the offending material or simply terminate me outright without notice. In the event that I wound up being kicked out the door unceremoniously, y'all could find me in a variety of places.

My Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/collarsixx
My Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/36336431
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/RubberBunbun
My Discord: https://discord.gg/5ntaw3hJ8B

And this all leads me to consider if I should take precautionary action and just go ahead and reboot C6 like I've been talking about for so long. Make it the bondage comedy romcom I've toyed with in strips like L6, CollarV and CollarB. Or even d6. Right now I'm terrified I'm going to get purged and wind up homeless. Those of you who've been around for a long time remember my old site getting canned. Then the Tumblr purge. Now I'm scared it's going to happen again and I want to do what I can to avoid that being a possibility. Even if it's a small one.

So let's just be direct with this: If I were to reboot this thing, would y'all stick around? Obviously it'd still be a sexy bondage time comic, I'd just not have all the sex-kungu/magic stuff since that sort of thing seems to be what the crack-down I'm reading about is focused on. I'd likely continue the OG C6 at a slower pace on my Devart and PIXIV accounts while focusing on the reboot (and d6) here.

As I've said, I'm not thinking entirely clearly. I'm a zombie, I'm melting in this damn AC-less hellhole and I'm now in full panic mode. But I seriously need to hear what y'all say, because if the worst case scenario lands, I am screwed beyond words. And I need to figure out what steps I can take in hopes of avoiding losing everything. Thanks everyone. Love y'all.


Wild Card

If you need to take out the sex, I won't complain. The bondage and fetish clothing content is why I started following you. I know some people don't separate bondage from sex but it can be done, especially if combined with fetish clothing to eliminate nudity of any kind.

Shelly Wi

I'll file you to a new source of you get dropped here.