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I think for now I'm going to stick with Friday updates instead of the bit-by-bit releases I did the week before. Having the week to work without having to meet the every other day deadline takes a lot of the pressure off and helps me a lot. I'd like to up the panel count from 4 to 6 at the very least too. The story isn't going to move fast enough as things are. At the same time I don't want the strips to look too jank. I'm ashamed of a lot my art in these strips and these days I try my best to polish them to at least be presentable. But I do so at the cost of output. Sorry, I'm rambling.

So now, an announcement I really don't want to make, but have to. Next month, I'm going to raise the patronage by .50 cents, bringing it to $5.50. Why? Because my apartment raised my rent by $130 bucks. I'm barely getting by as it is and with no other source of income but this strip, a price hike is the only way I can cover my rent. I've been resisting this for months, as the rent went up several months back, but I'm circling the drain here and running out of options. I understand if y'all decide to discontinue your patronage. Frankly, what I offer doesn't match up to what I already ask. To any of you who go, thank you for all the support and love you've shown me. I'll always be grateful. To those who stay, I'll do my best to keep improving to at least try and make this worth your continued patronage. Love you all.



Juy Juka

Hello there, your quality is more then satisfying to me, I might not be proficient with art and stuff, but I like your comics. I don't know if you need more panesl per week. I would ask you to aim for 3 panels per week and to go with the flow if a current strip needs one more or so. Greetings Juy Juka


Patreonage going up 50 cents. Still sounds good bargain to me.