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Next update will be Wednesday, followed by a third update on Friday. Going forward, this is the format I intend to utilize. At the end of each week, over the weekend I will combine the three strips from the week into one strip. Essentially I'm releasing the full strip over the course of the week, thus keeping a steady drip of content. How's that work for y'all?

Some weeks it'll be regular C6, some weeks it'll be an original or spin-off comic, just depends on how my brain is working that week. Right now I plan to return focus to OG Collar6 since I've neglected it for months now.

I apologize for the drought of content the past few weeks. As explained, I'm having serious health issues both mentally and physically. Not having insurance substantial income makes getting treatment difficult, but I'm working towards it as best as I can. I'll do my absolute best to avoid anymore droughts of content or delays but should they occur, y'all at least know why. Again, I'm aiming to avoid any further hiccups. I honestly can't afford to miss anymore updates.

Thanks again for sticking with me, those of you who are still here. I'll never be able to fully express my gratitude and I hope I can at least convey it through my art. Love y'all. See y'all Wednesday with the next one.



The Sexy Beast

Uh-oh, I think shit is about to go down.. 👀


I think the spell might be weakening on Ginger as it looks like she’s starting to put one and one together.

Wild Card

If this pace works better for you, then it works for me as well as a reader. Just please remember: if something needs more time, then hold it back until it is ready. If that means a completed page takes 10 days instead of 7 days, then that is what the page needed. And no trying to make up for "lost time"!!