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I'm not happy with how this turned out. I'll leave it at that.

My original concept for the dungeon/gaming room was to have bdsm furniture all over the place and for it to look more like a tavern (which is why in the last panel of the previous strip the walls look wood paneled. I'll have to fix that.) but it somehow didn't fit. I kept trying to combine the two concepts of BDSM dungeon with medieval tavern and just couldn't make it work. So I settled on this vampire-looking chamber, with each of the red doors leading to different themed dungeons (that will come into play in between and during games).

I really am frustrated that even with three extra days, this is the best I could do. I really wanted to fill the room with bdsm gear and furniture, but I knew it'd take a lot more time and that I was already running behind schedule. I hope this isn't too terribly disappointing to everyone. I apologize for how long this took. I have a really hard time with backgrounds and I really needed this one to be an establishing shot so I didn't want to half-ass it. I hope it's acceptable.

Thanks for sticking with me everyone. I'll have the next strip up on Friday. The actual gaming is about to begin~ Love you all, and see you in a few days! And if you'd like to pop onto my Discord where I sometimes fuss about comic difficulties and share WIP sketches, just follow the link below:




Lattimer Pines

I look at it this way. Michelle takes this seriously, so a cluttered entry wouldn't look very good. She might have a couple of items on display as a hint of what's to come, but she reveals what she wants to by which door is opened. As for the backgrounds, think of it like directors do when making a film. Everything on screen has to have a purpose. If it's filler material, it still needs to have a purpose, even if it's only some internal purpose for the characters. Instead of spending time deciding what that purpose is that the reader may never know, you spend the time on what's directly important to the story.


I very much like that philosophy and have to remember it going forward! Thank you~

The Sexy Beast

I-I think I'd like a vampire queen...


Only a matter of time before I work one into one of the games they're playing~