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Apologies for both the silence this past week, I've spent it working on something I'll be debuting on Thursday. It's something that allows me to use the existing case and place them in a variety of kinky settings and circumstances so I can avoid stagnating storylines. Yes, it will be fetish focused and yes it will be plenty kinky and yes, the existing cast will all be there. I really hope y'all will enjoy it because I've been enjoying working on it.

There will be more pauses on updates going forward and I will resume weekly (if not more) updates.

See you Thursday (whoever is still here).


Gary Spinrad

Relax and act normal. ❤️

Juy Juka

Hi, sounds greate and now I am very curious about your next release. :-) I am looking forward to the future. Greetings Juy Juka