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There hasn't been a new strip in almost two weeks now for the simple reason that I've had a mental breakdown. Too much has gone wrong in life since the start of the year and it's piled up. I'm saying this because I feel I at least owe an explanation, though I realize by doing so, I'm just going to lose even more readers here and make my situation even worse. It is what it is.

I cannot draw in my current mental shape. And I don't mean that I can't physically have the page in front of me and the pencil in my hand. I can do that plenty. I just can't make anything that doesn't look like a five year old's first finger painting. And I've wasted a lot of paper trying.

This comic is my sole means of providing for myself and the more I fail to produce anything, the more I struggle financially. I absolutely -need- to produce more and I'm trying so damn hard and it's going nowhere. Excuses aren't going to keep a roof over my head though so I'm going to keep wasting paper until something presentable comes out of it. I just felt I owed y'all (well those of you who stuck around anyways) an explanation.


Pete Spicer

Be kind to yourself.

Stefan J Neylon

I've had computer issues lately and haven't really noticed. Still thanks for the heads up.