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I took an extra two days to try and make the colours look the best that they could (and I don't mean the flashy lighting effects which in retrospect I feel ruins the mood). I didn't *expect* to be spending that amount of time but my OCD kicked in. Sorry about that.

I worked really hard on this one. Like, harder than I have on a strip since Collar(ed)6 and the results are... not worth the excessive amount of time it took to produce. I can't really express how disappointed I am with this one. It frustrates the shit out of me to try so hard on something and come up so lacking.

The lesson I'm taking from this failure is that wasting so much time on a single strip pleases no one. I'm going to return focus to faster turnaround. This indulging my vanity bullshit is going to tank me. I'm already at work on the next C6 and Ced6 which I aim to get out before the month ends next week.

Thanks for sticking with me everyone. Sorry for everything. If you'd like to yell at me and/or listen to me bitch while I'm working on these strips, I have a new Discord server at:


See y'all shortly. Love y'all.



Lattimer Pines

I have to admit that I never expected that to be the command word.


Some very impressive work here, was certainly well worth the wait! And oh wow, certainly shows how submissive Michelle has become, that she'll obey Blackstone at once, without any second thoughts or hesitation on her part... Looks like those two are going to are be a little busy for a little bit though, while the breeding process is now taking place? And Blackstone also seems to be enjoying every moment of having total power over them both, not to mention the various other citizens which currently belong to her kingdom. Really curious to see what might happen next, with me being willing to wait for however long it takes for your work to be done, given how incredible all the artwork looks! So please don't stress out about delays... Okay man? And thanks once again for all your incredible work on your various art projects.


I'm glad you liked it. But uh, please don't call me man. I know it's sometimes a gender neutral term, but it kinda hurts still.