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So I didn't intend to, but I took some time off over the holidays from comic-making and generally being creative. I spent a good deal of 2022 burnt-out and trying to keep going anyways. I'm not gonna pretend that I'm back to full power or anything, but having spent a couple of weeks living under my blanket has helped me a bit. My resolution for 2023 was to increase my output and I intend to do my best to accomplish that. Thank you all for not dropping me over the past year, despite having every reason to have done so.

Shout out to Lattimer Pines for the extra income last month. I didn't do anything to earn it, but thank you so much for your generosity!

As I mentioned last month, Collar(ed)6 part 2 begins this month. It's planned to go up the last week of January and unfortunately, I'm locking it behind the $6 tier because I have to pay bills (which seem to increase every other day). Gonna be laying pretty heavily into the sexy/fanservicey aspect of that particular storyline and try to steer clear of the occult/magic/shonen/Xor stuff that many felt dragged down part 1 towards the end. I'll be giving it my all.

Next C6 will go up next week. Gotta visit my mother over the weekend so I'll be away from the desk/workzone. Hope y'all don't mind another sexy scene incoming. Then actual plot development. >.> That I hope doesn't suck. Anyways! If y'all wanna hang out with me on Discord I can be found over at my Master's server:


Have a great weekend and a Happy New Years everyone! Let's hope 2023 is a better year for us all!



Lattimer Pines

I got to read the comic before I became a sponsor, so I'm making up a little bit for what I didn't contribute back then.


Well then, that certainly was a really loud shout, with it really blowing Trina away (in a manner of speaking) and it has also shocked Michelle at just how much impact it had... Seems like Adventurine's certainly lucked out with her new power, given she was potentially about to get knocked down, but what exactly will their next move move be; now Black Knight's temporarily held in place? Might be a smart idea to secure them before they recover their wits. Still, I'm betting that Blackstone's feeling pretty pleased with the end result of her little experiments and she might be generous enough to reward her new underling in some way, while also gently reminding them about what'll potentially happen to them, if they do end up disappointing her somehow! Hope 2023 goes smoothly for you and will I continue to support you during this time... Hopefully things won't be super stressful this time around? But, if I get a bit more cash at some point soon, I will certainly add some more to my current backing amount. Thanks again for all of your wonderful art here!


You've never needed to 'make up' for anything, dear. I am truly grateful for the support and opportunity to continue making these, but I never want it to feel or be an obligation to you or anyone else. I'm glad you enjoy it enough *to* support me and I'm doubly grateful you've given me the chance to make my dreams of being a comic artist a reality. I will never be able to thank you enough.


Here's hoping 2023 is a fantastic year for you also Jade! And honestly, no need to give me more. Y'all give me enough to keep me housed and fed and that's all I could ever ask for~