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I'm going to have to re-think this whole 'quality over quantity' mentality I've been running on recently. These things are taking far too long and I'm not sure the improvements in art are even pronounced enough to notice. I'm losing far too many readers with this snail's pace so I'm going to have to get back to producing more faster. Sorry to have been moving so slow these past few months, and expect that to change. See y'all Sunday with the colours for this one. Love y'all.



Robert McGann

I see these as some nice surprises that show up. It is difficult, at times, to decide just when to say, "That'll work." I know when I'm writing some stuff for business, I have to consciously decide that more wordsmithing will not improve it. Take the time needed to do it the way you want. We'll be here.


I have been reading your comics for a very long time and have loved each and every one. Art such as yours takes time and personally I'm willing to wait for it. I doubt any of your true fans would mind waiting longer if that's what it takes to see such perfection