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Well it's not great, but I can't afford to waste anymore time fighting against my limitations, so here's the pencils for #1195. I'll be moving onto doing inks today and (unless I botch the ink job pretty bad) will have them up in a day or two. Then it'll be onto colours, y'all know the process. I'm sorry this didn't turn out better, especially for all the time that went into it.

I'll see y'all back in a day or two with the inks. Thanks for holding out and believing me, despite having every reason not to. Love y'all.




The reason why I love the pay by the month model is because art takes time and it's one of those things that takes as long as it takes. You're amazing about keeping us updated, so we know you're putting in the work. I'm definitely willing to wait for a finished product that you're willing to share rather than looking between you and my watch like you owe me something. You don't owe anything more than you're doing. I'm here because I believe in your art, and regular check-ins are everything I could want to know that my money is well spent.

Wild Card

That already looks like an interesting strip. I can't wait to see it inked and colored. I figure the dialog is mostly moans and gasps of surprise, and encouragement from the domme.