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This one was a doozy but I think it came out relatively decent, even if it's nowhere near what I wish I were capable of. I'm trying a lot harder with these newer strips. I used to prioritize speed over quality but somehow I've gotten less tolerant of my own failures. Sometimes I feel like I should go back to the old way of doing things, with simpler costumes and settling for what I can do instead of what I try and push myself to do. I'd probably lose less readers that way, lol. What do y'all think? Should I go back to simpler art that emphasizes speed of production or should I keep spending upwards of a week on these single updates?

Look forward to hearing y'alls feedback, as always! Love y'all!




Don't rush progress. Do what feels comfortable for you.


A week for a full color comic-layout page is preferable to me. I love your costume work.


I can wait a week for this quality of work ^^ it's really worth the wait


Absolutely willing to wait longer for the higher detail!

Jon Jory

I third the opinion of being willing to wait a week (or more) for quality. When I discovered this strip, I went back and read it from the beginning and can see the growth that you have had as an artist. If we as readers have to wait longer for these better strips that will continue to let you grow your talent, then it is a win-win scenario. Please stop beating yourself up over the delays. Those that left are the entitled ones who expect output for their contributions. Those of us that stay are the ones that are thrilled with what we get and appreciate the fact that creating art like you do isn't easy and that the delays help you grow. Keep up the good work.


Take as much time to make the comic pages as you need to, okay? It's been well worth the wait for every new page so far, I really don't want you to burn yourself out trying to do rapid updates. And your detail on all of the costumes is also really impressive too! But whatever you decide to do is fine by me, so long as you are 100% sure about this... Back to the comic itself and oh wow, Blackstone is really looking devious in all of these panels, right? For good reason too: she has both Trina and Michelle exactly where she wants them now and she's very clearly relishing every second of this current situation. And from Michelle's expression here, it looks like she doesn't blame Trina for what they are doing, knowing that they aren't totally in control of things right now and also being fully aware Blackstone is completely to blame for the situation they're both in; even if a treacherous part of Michelle's mind might actually be wanting this part to happen now! Certainly wonder how it'll all end up playing out here, along with any long term results...


Is it me or does Sixx actually look like she’s smiling at the thought that it’s Trina that’s going to penetrate her? Hard to tell with the bit gag in her mouth.


Spectacular artwork!

Wild Card

Take it slow, make this last, it is worth the pleasure


The detail in the outfits and expressions, along with the added color for auras and energy really make the pages pop. I'd say they're MORE than worth the wait, and it's always a delight to see what you're scheming up (especially lately)!


Awesome work as usual! Only a suggestion could you do one high quality a month and the rest be lower quality/black and white. Thank you again for your hard work and dedication.