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This took faaaaaaaar too long. Not just because of the week of art block that preceded it, but because of the difficulty of arranging multiple figures into a single panel. My methods are outdated as hell and when I need an establishing panel like the third one it becomes a grindfest. The next couple of strips, I'm going to try going back to the 2-3 panel strips so I can produce these things faster because almost two weeks without a new strip is unacceptable on my part. I'm sorry for that dip in my output and I'm going to double down to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Thank you for your patience and support everyone. Love y'all.






Wild Card

No, that took as long as was needed. It came out well.


The expressions come through brilliantly, the detailing in the outfits is stunning and stare-worthy... and the promise of how this is going to play out has me looking forward to the next pages. There's certainly going to be a pretty explosive result as this plays out!

Pete Spicer

Oh my, that was *absolutely* worth the wait. Love the look.


Don't be sorry about taking your time creating such awesome art, it was well worth the wait... And don't beat yourself up about any delays, okay? Stressing out about keeping to a consistent level of production might only make items spiral worse. Just work on things at your own personal pace! Back to the comic itself and it really looks like Blackstone's feeling extremely confident here, with her tormenting Trina by showing off just how powerless she has been rendered right now (a major contrast to just how strong Trina may have felt while under the boost Laura had given her); forced to obey all of Blackstone's orders, with the enchanted item which Trina's wearing slowly driving her wild because of the extremely potent effects which which it is having on her own sexual arousal... It's kind of hard to make out Michelle's exact expression here though: is she feeling scared about what's to come next (being only barely able to see where both Trina and Blackstone are out of the corner of her eye and wondering what exactly they are doing, being completely helpless in a way which she's rarely been before), or does she actually want Trina to carry out the deed now, due to her own growing desire to have her sexual arousal stated (with this desire either being something totally natural on her part, something that really startles Michelle, or it's influenced by Blackstone)? Getting to hear the inner thoughts of either Michelle or Trina at this current time would be certainly interesting, since it does seem like Trina's at least trying to keep fighting back here, even though it is not going well too for her; while Michelle has not made any attempt at escaping since her link to the others was taken away from her, the side effect of this link being suppressed leaving Michelle totally adrift and extremely receptive to whatever mental influence Blackstone's been doing to her. Wonder if the climax of this process will take place in #1200 now, or just before that big milestone!


This one may have taken awhile, but the end result is fantastic. Especially Michelle in that bondage frame.


LOL Love Michelle's legs, such a perfect thickness, nothing over the top, nothing too small.


this is astonishing. All the effort you have put into character development makes this all the more meaningful.


Thanks a great angle for that firs5 panel. Worth the time alone.


Thank you, I struggled hard for that one to come out presentable!


I may have made them a bit TOO big and I considered squishing them down a bit, but after toying with it in photoshop I decided to leave the giant legs intact and hope they weren't as jarring as I felt they were~


Thank you Jade, I do wish I could make these things faster, but my mental shape ain't so great these days and it's getting in the way of my creative process. As for the timing, I don't really intend to correlate events with the numbering of the strips really, so this segment will resolve when I think it's a good stopping point. Thank you for all the energy and enthusiasm you bring to the comments section each time, I really am grateful for your interest and regular engagement. Keeps my spirits up!


Thank you so much! Sorry it took so long! The new one is already underway and will be up this week~


Thank you! I certainly hope it lives up to everyone's expectations!


Thank you, I'm trying to work faster but it's great to know I have caring, patient readers like yourself!


I don't know how to emote here... so I'll have to just say thank you Madame, I'm glad it pleased you! <3

Tim Chapel

I can not help but think, "Poor Michelle. When this is all over I want to give a physic platonic hug. I know she will not need one but that is how I roll.


I’m trying to decide if Michelle is willing Trina to “do the nasty” or begging her to resist. The first and last panels do seem to contrast and have me guessing. Nice work Fiona.