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The next strip is already underway. Expect more frequent updates going forward. I intend to pump these things out as fast as I can, nonstop. Also, I'm finally going to do a sequel to Collar(ed)6 that'll update along C6.

Now to get a few hours of shut eye. Thank you for sticking it out with me y'all. I'm going to make it worth your while henceforth. Love y'all.





Trust me, your work is already worth our while <3 Poor Trina... hopefully Nora and the rest of the Council (?) are going to be able to arrive soon. Also, I can't remember if you mentioned this in the WIP posts, but I feel like there's something different about the coloring and shading in this one - and I REALLY like it! Great job :) "I'm finally going to do a sequel to Collar(ed)6" - fuck yeah :D


Seconding the previous comment. The monthly payments would be a steal at twice the price. This is a wonderful story and your art is so great

Pete Spicer

Love this update so much.


Please don't burn yourself out by trying to do too much in a short space of time, okay? We're all willing to wait for new comic releases for however long it ends up taking you. And oh wow, Blackstone's really feeling smug here, with her leaving Trina in a dominant mindset and reminding her about the major power boost which Laura shared with her; but showing that even this taste of raw potential meant nothing when compared to the stuff Blackstone can do when she's not going all out, using it as a way to try and crush Trina's spirit! Really makes you wonder if there's anything at all which could potentially end up making Blackstone drop the extremely cocky act which she has going on here (toying with her current captives) and actually take the situation much more seriously... Maybe the Starlight Butterfly could be the potential cause? After all, they do seem to have both detailed knowledge of what Blackstone can do here and how to counter it. But it's also going to be interesting to see just what might be happening with Michelle too, given that her own self-confidence has hit an all-time low point; with the bond she had shared with all three of her lovers having been sealed away and seeing Blackstone countering every single attempt which was made to defeat them, not even breaking a sweat while they did so! It might even be the case that, if she was all left alone and not properly restrained, she wouldn't even attempt an escape; considering it as pointless...

Wild Card

That came out fantastic. Well worth waiting until it was ready to be shown.


Absolutely delightful result. A fun panel to progress the story, but one that also gave me ideas for a few things of my own... XD


Fabulous! love it