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Well I've spent the week trying to make this strip work and it's just not. I'm discarding it completely. Y'all already know it's been a shite week, I'm a trainwreck right now and I'm just tired of pushing a boulder uphill. This one is a failure. You can see in the first panel how I tried to save the lineart again and again. Midnight's head in the second panel looks broken. Sardonyx is a mess in every fucking panel. I didn't even get pencils for panels 4 and 5 finished.

I'll start on something new in the morning. I think I'm just going to draw smut or fetish stuff like I did earlier this year for a week or two. I don't think I have a good C6 strip in me at the moment. I don't know that I have any narrative content of value in me. Sorry everyone. Will update again shortly.




Oh, Fiona, you're doing your best. Sometimes, our best sucks. I'm happy to see fetish or pinup type stuff. Bonus points if it's Halloween themed. I would love to see Laura/Ginger trying to get through Phasmophobia (ghosty scary game).


Proud of you. You could have continued laboring at this and beating yourself up but now you're falling back to a more secure position and starting fresh in the morning. You're doing awesome! Can't wait to see what comes next!

Robert McGann

One suggestion - I've seen other artists that I support put up some work in progress to show how they do what they do. Things like initial sketches to the lineart to the coloring illustrating (so to speak) how a panel comes into being. Consider doing this using older installments when the current flow is a little lacking.


I admittedly do like what I see here; just the detail on those hoof gloves is just mphh, and I think you draw pony play better than anyone I've seen. I'll look forward to your next work when we see it!

Wild Card

Not every strip idea works out. Nothing wrong with saying "this isn't working, start over for next week"

Pete Spicer

Art cannot be tamed just as much as it will not be rushed. It either deigns to be captured or it does not. And when it does not, it can't be forced. Be kind to yourself on this.


I agree with Spicer and Wild Card, and frankly, it is more important to take care of yourself (at least in my opinion) than it is to be on some sort of schedule. I am here for whatever you post, I have loved C6 for about 10 years now and am not going anywhere just because the last year or two has been extra rough. We're here for you, even if we don't post often or know you in person. Take care of yourself and your partner, that's what is most important.