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Of the handful of strips I've made for this series I think this is by far the weakest. And I did the pencils before my little stint in the hospital so I can't blame that for it looking so shoddy. Sorry folks, I guess it just didn't pan out so great. I think I'm going to change those word bubbles too, they're kinda... off. At least I got a logo for it so it looks more like an actual strip and less like a scrap book cut out. Not by much, but still!

Thank you all so much for the outpour of concern and support for me after the hospital stint. Rest assured my mental health is fine and my overdose was *not* a suicide attempt on my part. I'm not running off to die voluntarily anytime soon, got too many silly comics to make for that!

I'll be back early next week with a new CollarB! Oh and if you don't know what a munch is, it's like where people in local BDSM scenes get together to meet in a relatively safe public environment so they can introduce themselves. I think that's a decent explanation but if anyone with more experience than me would like to elaborate in the comments, by all means!

See y'all shortly! Have a great weekend everyone, love you all!




Not the weakest as you can see that Alice and Anya have their curiosity peaked. Maybe not enough to go down the rabbit hole yet… but enough to have a look at least.


I'm looking forward to Evita explaining what a munch is.

Robert McGann

Your munch definition is pretty much spot on. They're also a good space to start negotiations for playdates so that the sessions can be planned out without using up valuable playspace time.


I can’t wait to see them rubberised and collared.


oh I love this, a munch is a great place for them to get to know each-other in a friendly, low stakes environment!~ great choice~ I hope they serve fries and milkshakes~ good work!


The munch explanation is pretty spot on. The munches we have here also explains how the dungeon's rules we have to adhere to or else you run the risk of getting thrown out. That and getting to know the regulars and making sure we answer the questions of the new people coming in.


No, this page seems pretty strong to me, given that this actually helps to show off just how inexperienced both Alice and and Anya are when it comes to various kinky items; with Evita's comment about the upcoming munch seeming to have also engaged their curiosity. Maybe they will end up asking her about attending this event as her guests! And makes you wonder who else will be attending the munch here, either as a simple cameo in a larger crowd scene, or as those who are more connected to whatever plot will be taking place... Both Laura and Maaya seem like candidates for showing up, but will some other people from baseline C6 also show up and what roles will they have in this version, the same ones as their original versions or some slightly different ones? Glad to have you back home safe and sound, despite recent events. Please remember that we care for you and just want to see you staying safe and happy, even if it means comics aren't released on a regular basis! So, there's no need to stress yourself out so much about this whole situation and keep working away at your own pace... That OK?


And I thought everybody knew what a Munch was.

Wild Card

As someone who started going to munches in 1994 and ran one from 2000 to 2009, that "what's a munch?" question brings back a LOT of memories.