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Alright, it flew in late in the day, but I made the update on time damnit~
Not my best work either, for that matter, but let's be honest, my best is a better artist's worst. Okay, enough self-pity from me.

I did three different scripts for this strip (including a more comedy-focused one where Evita shoves her boobs into their faces out of spite) but settled on this... kind of bland one. I dunno it looked better in my head, but I do enjoy the prospect of Evita being the mature one for once. Also, for those wondering, Evita is tall *and* wearing heels here, thus why she's towering over Alice and Anya here~

Nowthen! I'm afraid I'm going to be busy the next couple of days with irl nonsense so my next update will be... I'm gonna say Wednesday? Sorry I can't make these things faster y'all, I really do work these out as fast as I can, especially lately. Didn't I say enough self-pity from me? Bah.

ANYWAYS! I'll see y'all (hopefully) back here in a few days with the next part in the CollarB series. I *will* be continuing mainline Collar6, but it will be in and around these CB updates for a bit.

Thank you so much for the support and generosity everyone. It really is a dream come true to be able to devote my full attention to these strips (which, again, at my level of craft you'd probably never know, ugh) and I'll aim not to disappoint with this series~ See you soon everyone, love y'all~!!! <3 <3 <3




Beautiful artwork &amp; touching story as always.


Love it 🥰 I think it came out great! Love the 👀 good luck with the irl projects hope it goes well! See you when you get back! Have a great day/weekend/week love ❤️ 💗


It certainly looks a really cute one, with Evita's positive comment about their appearances managing to fluster both Anya and Alice quite a bit! It's even sweeter, since Alice's probably been feeling extremely self conscious about their current appearance and hearing this honest comment from a total stranger who they were admiring might end up being a major boost to their self esteem... Wonder if the pair will now attempt to talk some more to Evita, now that they have just broken the ice with her, in a manner of speaking? Looking forward to see the next installment, but no pressure there, we can wait for these.


Love it, just love!


Awwww very cute ^^

Great Scott

Good stuff here. And, glad you're setting basic expectations and not trying to overcommit. Next small strip around Wednesday-ish, and maybe another by EOW. good.