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Alright, so much for the Mon/Wed/Fri thing. I just can't keep up like I used to. I guess it was a lot easier 13 years ago or so when I wasn't a mental trainwreck and had less responsibilities. Either way, I'm going to switch up and try a twice-a week update with a Saturday/Sunday back-to-back release. I find it's easier to work in clusters so maybe that'll help. Either way I'm sorry this one took me like a week to churn out. I struggled with the darker tone here and it just didn't want to happen. I'll spend the week working on the updates for Sat/Sun. Hope y'all have a great week everyone. Love y'all.



Jason Wyatt

Wow things went dark really quick


Love the dark turn I feel like shes trying to break her


I really, really like the colouring and the panelling in this one. Good exaggerations for the 'mental world', nice touch of what's going on in the real-world whilst injecting just a dab of fetish in it. Nice agony in the first panel, and then a more muted look in the third, like she's really absorbing what her trainer's whispering in her ear. Honestly, it might be your best page from a technical standpoint that I can think of off the top of my head. Well worth going a few days over a deadline. It's also worth saying that though you haven't exactly hit the Mon-Weds-Fri that you set out for, you have kept a much better pace than before, so you should be happy to have done what you've done, and it has helped you know what can be done and adjust to compensate. Two a week would be primo, really.


Pinkie had me up to a point of her saying that she’d hurt the ones closer to her. But Evita should remember that when she was going to go to far with the red prison guard (can’t remember her name), it was Gunther who pulled her back and she actually apologised to him.

Robert McGann

I'm getting the feeling that the Stable Sister is going to say the one thing that will enable Evita to break free.


even as she was the antagonst, we saw that Evita isn't a weak one! she suffered a lot to get her Family back! and i bet she fights further to get them back again!

Wild Card

Work at the pace that you need to.

Wild Card

This episode got DARK!! I can't wait to see where this goes.


Wow I love this one! Great work


^^ i can't wait for more ^^ you are doing great


Wow, those harsh words are really cutting deep into Evita's spirit, with Rhondonite really knowing exactly what would best break Evita, maybe due to the Path of Regret allowing her to see just what her captive was thinking about and playing on those fears. But I could certainly see Xor attempting to both attack and even kill Evita's loved ones (either via some proxies or using her own body to do this very deed), in order to try and prevent any of them from breaking his mental control over her! Still, I'm just getting the feeling that Rhondonite's current actions are going to end up backfiring in some way, either by reminding Evita about the fact she still has people who care deeply about her (with them able to remind her about who she really is, given Gunther had helped to pull her back in) the past, or her distress is transmitted to Michael over their mental link and he provides Evita with a way to fight back against this attack... But we'll just have to wait and see what will happen, right? And don't worry too much about the schedule, you've been doing just fine as you are. Just take it one comic page at a time and things will work out fine! We are all willing to wait around... That fair?


I do hope the darker story line isn't taking a toll on you. I was a fan back when the comic had its own website, and I've only now just discovered that it's still going. I went and re-read the entire archives in a single go, and it was just as enjoyable as it was all those years ago when I first came across the comic. Thank you for everything you've given us.