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I'm afraid this week has to be declared a bust everyone. After five days of trying to hack away at the art pad, all I've got that's even remotely presentable are the two sketches of Sixx's latex-less ponygear for her bout with Blackstone. I can't even settle on the script, writing and re-writing parts in and out of it. I hate to admit it, but I've hit burnout. It's been creeping up on me for months and I've been working hard to push past it, but it's here and messing things up.

I'm going to start anew tomorrow and work on something not C6-related. I don't know what yet. Maybe doing something new will help kickstart me back into gear. I'm really sorry everyone. Y'all are probably sick of my apologies and excuses lately and I don't blame y'all. All I can say is, I am tired of having to make them. I'm tired of failing.

I'll see y'all early next week with... well, something. Whatever it is, it'll be fetishy and probably involve rubber. Thanks everyone.




Burnout can happen to anyone. And I like your fetish rubber work, so it is well worth my $5 a month to support that. *hugs* things are hard right now, be kind to yourself.


je sais que c'est dur pour toi, mais ne baisse pas les bras ! on est avec toi!.

Great Scott

Not a problem -- a change-up is probably what you need to do. Hang in there.


Fetishy and rubber is good, draw what you enjoy and we will most likely enjoy it ourselves.

Curtis Charles

I don’t know how helpful this might be, but if you are still struggling with story after you get through your burnout, maybe there should be nsfw one shots for a while. 🤷‍♂️ I hope you get to feeling better


I'm not going anywhere - just do what you love.

Robert McGann

Relax. Sometimes it comes together, sometimes the cat has knocked it under the couch. Work as you please and to please yourself. We're not going anywhere.


Just try to relax there and take your time with regards working on things... That okay? Some form of a mental block, regarding potential ideas, happens to everybody at least once in their lives. Maybe taking a short break from drawing entirely, or simply doing a couple of small one-shot comics with no continuity elements in common (if you don't want to stop drawing entirely) might be a good idea!

Wild Card

It is Virtual Dragoncon weekend, go enjoy the con and start over again in a week or two.

Juy Juka

Hi, something with rubber sounds good. :-)


Hey I'm here for whatever you post, Collar6 may have been my intro to your work, but I've enjoyed everything you've put out! Also don't feel bad if you take a few weeks off, if I wanted my support to be tied to content I wouldn't have signed up for a monthly membership! I'm happy to support you in whatever you need, and that includes res, so take the time you need and I promise I'll still be here whenever you're ready :)