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Sorry for yet another hold up everyone. I'm pulling my mental case shit together over here. Expect another C6 and something else before the week is out. Not going to set a hard date since that keeps back-firing on my stupid ass, but yeah. Two updates before the week is out.

I'll be checking back in throughout the week to read y'alls feedback as always. Thanks for sticking with me everyone, I really appreciate your readership and patience with my neurotic ass. I'll talk to y'all soon, be safe out there!




Spectacular as always...


Wow, every single move Trina's been making here shows us just how powerful she's after becoming, something which would certainly help her to deal with Blackstone's weaker minions (while also boosting up Trina's morale; since she must have been feeling extremely helpless, compared to Michelle and Laura, given their own abilities). But at least Trina is also seemingly holding back on her currently mind-controlled allies, knocking them out with attacks which were just powerful enough to complete this task! Of course, the attacks may have only disrupted the mental influence that Blackstone was holding over them; allowing them to help Trina out right away, instead of her having to leave them in the spot where they had been knocked out, while she goes to deal with the other Stable Sisters (if she doesn't decide to pull some Sequence Breaking or a Dungeon Bypass attempt, in order to try and have another battle against Blackstone; her not wanting to leave Michelle stuck as a prisoner very long)... Wonder if we'd have a quick montage of Trina dealing with all the other unknown Stable Sisters, before we then see her about to face off against the corrupted Ginger (this fight being tougher for some reason)? Or would we do something else entirely, like shifting our POV over to Michelle and Blackstone, with their training taking place during the time-frame where Trina had been busy with tearing through all the various obstacles which had been placed in front of her. Am looking forward to seeing what happens next, since it's getting very interesting now! And don't push yourself too hard there, if any of the current items you are working on here just don't seem to be clicking for you at this current point in time... Whatever you do get done will be totally fine with all of us, alright?

Great Scott

ditto on the "take care" message -- whatever you do, when you do it, will be fine. Good Skill, and Good Luck too. Hang in there, keep the faith.

Lattimer Pines

Cognitive recalibration works again.


What’s a concussion between friends?


A beautifully impactful page in many ways!! I just wanted to say, I've followed this story for years, and seeing an update was one of the highlights of my day during a time when I didn't have a lot of highlights to look forward to, and I thought it was a beautiful story! Sadly I fell off track with keeping up not long after you moved to Patreon, but I kept my pledge because just seeing those updates in my inbox made me smile, knowing that the story and the person behind it were still going. A couple of days ago I saw the notification about switching to Pixiv for the archive on dA, and hopped over, took a look and immediately started reading, from page one! Cut to a couple of days later and I'm all caught up and once more looking forward to each update with a smile. I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for creating such a beautiful story, and thank you for sharing it with the world, even during tough times, it's been really inspirational and hopeful for me and I want to thank you for that. All that said I also want you to take care of yourself! I have my own set of mental struggles to deal with, so I know sometimes you gotta just push through, but also that pushing to hard can be painful and damaging, so take as long as you need and work on whatever comes the easiest, and I, and many other people will be here, waiting for whatever comes, because whatever it is will be wonderful.


I like the irony of telling her it's time to wake up, while still under the belief she needs to be full-on Domme for Michelle. Though hey, might be that she can (or has) overcome that attitude. Love Midnight's muscles in panel 3, as well as the symbolism of her ponyhead being blown-off. Very cool.


Oh wow, thank you :O I don't honestly know how to respond to this level of praise, just let me say that I'm moved deeply by your kindness and praise! Knowing that I'm creating something that makes life a little less dark for you really does inspire me. I turned to manga and comics for many years for the same thing and knowing I'm now doing the same for someone with similar struggles to my own just lights up my day! Thank you so much!


Well it's less of a 'come to your senses' and more of a 'dispel enchantment!' moment :)